Southampton University Sailing Club (formerly Wessex Sailing Club) is the largest university sailing club in the country, offering sailing for all abilities. Whether you're a complete beginner or at the top of your game, Southampton University Sailing Club has something for you.
While we consistently rank among the top university sailing clubs, we also have a large casual section, providing lessons for our beginner sailors.
When we're not sailing you can often find us socialising in the bar, around a BBQ or in our unofficial club house, Jesters!

University Sailing Sustainability Challenge
This year we are taking part in the University Sailing Sustainability Challenge (USSC) by The Green Blue, supported by BUSA and sponsored by Rooster. The Green Blue’s USSC is an annual competition designed to encourage University Sailing Clubs from across the UK to act and demonstrate to the wider sailing community the best environmental practice that all sailing clubs and their members should adopt, for a more sustainable future for boating.
The main aims of the challenge this year are to:
Encourage the engagement of members and sailing clubs to act on key environmental issues around boating
Work with the university sailing club to encourage sustainable actions and environmental improvement.
To promote The Green Blue and its resources on sustainable practices to the wider boating community.
We at Southampton University Sailing Club (SUSC) sail at two main sites: the coastal Southampton Sailing Club and the inland Spinnaker Sailing Club, so over the next few months we will be working with both clubs to promote the sustainable message as much as we can. We are going to be doing this by…
Promoting informative posters and guides on sustainable behaviour and marine issues at both our clubs.
Provide information about what it means to be a conscious consumer.
Eliminating single use plastics wherever possible e.g. using re-usable sports bottles and coffee cups at training sessions and events.
Organising a litter clean
Posting a weekly infographic on how you can be more sustainable
Undertaking an environmental assessment of the USC sailing venue to identify where facilities and operations can be improved.
Ensuring sailing venues have a Spill Kit available to clean up any accidental oil and fuel spills.
Following the Check Clean Dry approach to removing harmful Invasive Non-Native Species from boats, equipment and clothing
To find out more, visit: https://thegreenblue.org.uk/get-involved/projects/sustainability-challenge/
If you have any ideas or would like to find out more please get in touch.